Tribute to Sharrin Rees ( 1952 – 2016 ) – Mum, Partner, Friend and a very talented Architectural Photographer
It is with enormous sorrow that we noted Sharrin Rees’ passing ( Sept 2016 in Sydney )
A pioneer in interior Architectural photography, Sharrin brought her unique eye for design and detail to every project lucky enough to be the focus of her gaze.
Sharrin did far more than take photos. She brought forth a look, a portfolio and statement of architectural signature unique to each practice. Her appreciation of the beauty of detail, the nuance of form and the elegance of light and colour that made her work so extraordinary.
Her photographic eye was always able to draw out both the monumental and minutiae of a project’s attributes, a talent that always resulted in beautiful images
The Architecture & Design community will miss her terribly and its members are honoured to have come under her sharp and beautiful gaze.